A Father's Love
A father is respected because
he gives his children leadership...
appreciated because
he gives his children care...
valued because
he gives his children time...
loved becausehe gives his children the one thing
they treasure most - himself.
"Happy Father's Day" A Dad is a person who is loving and kind, and often he knows what you have on your mind. He's someone who listens, suggests, and defends. A dad can be one of your very best friends! He's proud of your triumphs, but when things go wrong, a dad can be patient and helpful and strong in all that you do, a dad's love plays a part. There's always a place for him deep in your heart. And each year that passes, you're even more glad, more grateful and proud just to call him your dad! Thank you, Dad...for listening and caring, for giving and sharing, but especially, for just being you! Happy Father's Day
The righteous man walks in his integrity; his children are blessed after him. Proverbs 20:7 (New King James Version)
Dear Lord and heavenly Father, we want to take the time to thank you first of all for being our father and for the way you take care of us. We also want to thank you for out fathers here on Earth, we pray for protection for them and that they will always know that we love them. In Jesus’s Name. Amen
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