Today I had the priviledge to go with the Students from chruch to Lock Haven Scripture Press and help in the assembling of Bibles. What a great experience to be part of the process of spreading God’s word around the word. Below is the purpose and plan from the ministry’s website.
God has given us a burden to print His Holy Word that salvation, free to all through the Lord Jesus Christ, may be made known to ALL peoples. It is estimated that one half the world's population (nearly three (3) billion souls) have never heard the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Printing the Scriptures in the nine (9) languages now produced in our shop we can reach over one hundred countries with the gospel. We have the opportunity!
Won't you join us in this task of laboring-together to tell a lost world about the living Savior? Join us in sowing the "…good seed…" of the Word of God so that we may rejoice together in the harvest!
Their plan is to share God's Word and assist in establishing indigenous New Testament churches around the world is our plan. Further it is to place God's Word into every nation for the obedience of faith (Romans 16:26), so that ALL people may have the opportunity to hear the Gospel and be saved (Romans 10:17). By publishing fifty "trade languages", this placement of Scripture into ALL nations can be accomplished.
Do you not say, 'Four months more and then the harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.
- John 4:35 (New International Version)
Dear Lord and Heavenly Father, We thank You for Your word. We pray for the many around the world that don’t have a copy of it. We pray for ministires like Loch Haven Scripture Press that works so hard to help every man here your word. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
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